Friday, October 18, 2013

Carpet Making?

    Lets make some carpets!                                   

P3m and ladies are learning to make Iranian carpets. Through this rare skill we hope this will be a great way for p3m and the women to help them make their own living. When a carpet is finished in a few months the woman could make up to $1000. P3m was given this opportunity through our friends Ahmad and Samy who are starting a new carpet making business. They heard about P3m and wanted to share this opportunity to those less fortunate, they are awesome. Thank God for them :) 

Today p3m had their first training session!! Wish them luck for the future sessions to come!

  Support P3M                    

If you would like to Donate to p3m please click on the link below. The money we are rasing right now is for the rent of the house where 3 women and one child live right now, p3m office and where they are getting this training that could help them earn their own living and start a new life.  Thanks to all who support p3m we love you!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

P3M House & Other news

   Whats going on in the P3M house?                    

It is a full house over at the P3M house :) So far 4 women and one child, including Wilda the cofounder of P3M is living there. Also the P3M staff has moved its office into the house, keeping everything together and connected. 

  • Two of the women their are living with HIV that contracted from their late husbands. As they were showing signs of illness they had to let their families know. One family said come back when you don't look sick and the other said they will not except her at all. Thank God they found Medan Plus, who helps those living with HIV, that led them to P3M. A safe place for them to live now. One of the women also brought with her her Child Jeni, she is 6 years old healthy and full of life! That is Jeni in the picture above with Rani P3M staff at the P3M house/office.
  • Meri has also moved in to the P3M house. If you remember, She came out of prostitution at the age of 64 when she met Wilda/P3M who helped her get out, she came to live with Wilda before they moved into the P3M house. Wilda and Meri have a very special bond, Wilda says Meri is like her second mother and that she won't live anywhere without her. 

They have all created this lovely community together having weekly meetings on who takes care of what in the house and daily chores. They also came up with the idea to sell clothes and cigarettes & snacks in the front yard to workers. They are very happy and grateful to be where they are. It is very sweet and heartwarming.

Please Help Support P3M with providing these women and hopefully more with a place to live. Check out this campaign for raising money. Every bit counts! Thank you so much for loving these people & P3M

   Outside of the House:                                          

P3M team is working hard trying to raise awareness in their community (Medan) about HIV/STDs, how to protect ones self as well as talking with the women giving them an option to leave. 
This week with P3M:
  • HIV/STD testing in the Hotels/Brothels
  • P3M staff always hard at paper work and going late passing out condoms and information about HIV/STDs and the risks of prostitution. Rani, Joseph and Musa what a great team!! 

Thanks for all the support! And GO P3M!!!

And one more thing:                                  

A huge thanks for those back home in America working their butts off to raise support there! They have been setting up parties and art shows all for P3M, wow! Thank you Rachel Pryor and Jo Whitman you are badass and your efforts are helping to change lives! And thank you to all that pray and contribute to P3M!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Police raid & baby on the way

   6 Woman Arrested!                    

6 woman were arrested on August 27th. The police raided a massage parlor the girls worked at.  Although only catching one in the act of prostitution everyone one still had to go with the police, except the men. The girls called Wilda / P3M immediately for help. They have been trying to do everything in their power to help these woman.

The police wanted 20 million rp. for their release but they were able to talk them down to 15 million rp. ($1,500). The girls had to borrow from one of the mangers of the massage parlor.  But they are now stuck in more debt then before, guess how they will have to pay it off? Can't we see this cycle these woman keep trapped in and have no other choice but stay in prostitution. 

Reason for the raid was also not out of concern for the woman or the law but for money instead. The owners of the massage parlor don't pay the monthly "tax" to the police to turn a blind eye so instead the police raid every 6 months. Getting their money either way, the woman paying the most in the end. Though the woman have practiced prostitution they were illegally arrested according to Indonesian law and P3M is trying to help them fight it. They need our support, understanding and prayers.

Needs: If anyone is touched by their story and wants to donate money to help them pay off their debt so they don't have to do it another way. Also anyone that knows the Indonesian law very well or knows of or is a lawyer would be great help.

    Thanks to all who have been supporting P3M, ever bit counts!  

Love yall and Way to go P3M TEAM!!!!! Support them!!!     

     Please contact this page or Wilda directly            

Wilda R.Wakkary
Koordinator Perempuan Peduli Pedila Medan ( P3M )
Wilda Hp. 081807779147 / 082161736449

Alamat Sekretariat Jln. Sei Siguti No.30 
Kel Sei Sikambing D, Kec Medan Petisah
Kode Pos 20119
Telp : 061-4569647
email : p3m_21 @

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Free Hair cuts anyone?

Free haircuts                       

P3M is starting a new service for the ladies at the hotels which is cutting their hair for free. Today P3M went to hotels in the Sambu area. This is something P3M wants to start doing for many of the girls in many different hotels. P3M's stylist today consisted of 3 people Wilda, the founder of P3M, Musa, on the P3M team and Jenny a volunteer for P3M. They did a great job and I am sure the woman walked away feeling beautiful and loved!

Volunteer opportunity: 
If you can cut hair and want to offer your services to these woman contact Wilda or this page! Show off your skills and bring happiness to these woman. Lets show them we care :)

Other News                        

P3M has given the woman in the picture money to help her start a small business selling breakfast from her house. She is 29 years old, has 5 children and one more on the way. Her husband became very ill when she was 3 months pregnant. Due to him being sick and unable to work she began prostituting herself in order to provide for her family.  She is 8 months pregnant now and P3M is trying to help her stay out of prostitution through this business at her house.

If this story has touched you please donate to her cause and help her stay out of prostitution so she might care for her family and herself. 

Thank you to all who are helping and praying!

Want to Volunteer or Donate please contact                       

This page or...

Wilda R.Wakkary
Koordinator Perempuan Peduli Pedila Medan ( P3M )

Wilda Hp: 081807779147 / 082161736449
Alamat: Sekretariat Jln. Sei Siguti No.30
Kel Sei Sikambing D, Kec Medan Petisah 
Kode Pos 20119
Telp : 061-4569647
email : p3m_21

Love you guys!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Gardening with P3M


Yesterday Wilda (P3M founder) and women from the hotels bought and planted flowers in the P3M house. 

Now the P3M house looks even more welcoming and beautiful!

 Other news                             

Another woman has come out of prostitution due to her being 8 months pregnant. P3M is helping her with going to the doctor, bills and helping her with money to start a small business outside her house selling breakfast. 

Please pray that business goes well and of course that her and her baby are healthy.

Thank you to all who have donated it is going to many great things! 

    We love you guys!    

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Open House & breaking fast Celebration

P3M had an open meeting (July 30th)  with female sex workers at the P3M house for the first time. Many women came to celebrate. Out of 20 woman that confirmed to join 18 came, all coming from 6 different hotels. It was a great turn out. 

Wilda led the meeting along with the P3M staff and other volunteers.

The meeting included:

1. Introduction of who P3M is and why they are doing what they are doing.

2. Getting to know eachother games. This was lots of fun. Everyone go to get up move around sing, laugh and be silly with each other.

3. Sharing about P3M shelters including Wildas home/P3M office and the P3M Home base care.

4. Sharing testimonies of other female sex workers who have robbed and bought by male sex buyers and dicussing the dangerous and warnings. Also about how they can come to P3M for protection from abuse and other.

5. The woman filled out a questionarre asking about there lives and such.

6. More games :)

7. As the sun went down we were allowed to begin breaking the fast. Enjoying the yummy food provided by P3M.

All in all it was a great meeting. Everyone went leaving with a smile on their face and knowing there is hope outside the life of prostitution.

Pray for these woman.

Basa & janni at the P3M house:

They are doing great! Twice a week they have private english classes together. P3M is looking for a sewing school for Basa. As for janni, her mother is waiting to see if she should put her in school in Medan or back near her village not knowing how long they will stay. 

If you would like to donate to the P3M cause or P3M house please contact this blog or the information below

Thank you for all your prayers and help to support such a noble cause :) 


Wilda R.Wakkary
Koordinator Perempuan Peduli Pedila Medan ( P3M )

Wilda Hp: 081807779147 / 082161736449
Alamat: Sekretariat Jln. Sei Siguti No.30
Kel Sei Sikambing D, Kec Medan Petisah 
Kode Pos 20119
Telp : 061-4569647
email : p3m_21

Monday, July 15, 2013

Testing, Training & Living

This Month P3M went to the brothels and places of prostitution giving them free clinical examinations, testing for HIV and other STDs. P3M was unable to go to as many places as they usually can due to it being Ramadan this month, so a few places were closed.  P3M has also recently stumbled apon 6 new places of prostitution possing as spa's and bath houses. Only 2 places would let them in but P3M not wanting to leave anyone behind is still trying to get permission from the owners so they may visit the other 4 places. 

Also this month at the P3M office they held training and activities for girls from USU University in Medan. They were trained in how the P3M organization works and information on HIV & Stds. It was lots of fun and a big success.

P3M House Update:

The woman and her child have been living in the P3M house for almost 2 months. Their family came to visit and where so happy to see they are safe and not living in horrible conditions but are comfortable and safe. Wilda takes them to church on Sundays and has bible study at the house every week. Also Tuesdays we will have English classes for them and for a few other children from the parents who are still in prostitution.

We hope and pray more woman will come out.

What is new with Meri?

She is doing so great! She is getting healthier and is very happy living with Wilda and P3M. 

Check out this Article about P3M , Meri story is told too :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Moving in day!

A woman contacted Medan Plus and P3M today. Her community/family have excommunicated her from her village because they found out she is living with HIV. She has one daughter who is 6 years old and no husband, he died of HIV as did her other daughter. Seeing that she has no home, no job anymore and is at high risk to go into prostitution P3M took her in. She moved in today! Very exciting! 

Please say prayers for the woman and her daughter that just moved in, that they will be blessed and in good health!

We hope this will spark others in wanting to come live with P3M and change their lives. Also that they might see there is a safe house for woman and people who care for them.

How can you help?
If you have any thing that could go in house like furniture, kitchen supplies, decor , toys & books for kids, clothes ect. Anything you want to give we will happily take :)

Thank you so much for your care and support of P3M, this couldn't happen without yall! We will keep you posted :)

          We love you Heather and thank you so much!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sad news

Winda Passed away

Winda is the woman P3M has been helping who was suffering from Kidney failure. She died May 17th 2013 on a Friday. Her funeral was held May 23, 2013 on a Thursday. It was a small ceremony. The details are not clear why she died but the people next to her said she had trouble breathing. Her body just couldn't take it anymore. Thank you to everyone that helped, it is the only reason she lived as long as she did.

Wulans Father

Wulan one of the founders of P3M, her father is very sick. She has been staying with him all the time and taking care of him. Please pray for her and her family. We hope he will get better very soon. We love you Wulan!

Please contact this page or the numbers below if you want to send encouragements or want to help in anyway. nothing is too small :) Thank you for caring about P3M and their mission.

Wilda: 081807779147
Wulan: 081360757670

Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy Birthday P3M & New Home Base Care!!

This month has been Pretty exciting. Many wonderful things have happened :)

P3M Birthday 
It is P3Ms 1 year anniversary. Many woman from the hotels joined the celebration as well as friends from Medan plus, and other friends who came to share their love and support for P3M. P3M feels truly blessed to have some many people around them. 

P3M & Friends honoring everyone with a traditional batak dance :)

One of the girls was crying with happiness that here life has been changed through the help of P3M

NEW Home Base Care!!! 

Through the help of many donors and supporters P3M was able to rent a new home for the girls wanting to leave prostitution. We Thank God for this great blessing! Now woman can come to a safe home and learn new training to better their lives as well as get free education. 

How can I help? 
  • Each girl to live needs RP 1.200.000 ($120) a month to survive. The money would going towards food and regular living expenses. If anyone would like to donate to the girls or sponsor one of the girls that would be so wonderful. You can help change a life! 
  • We are need of furniture, clothes, baby clothes, baby crib, beds and ect. to fill the house. Whatever you can think of or could spare.
 Anything you can give is great there is nothing too small and it will go to a great cause :)

Contact if you would like to contribute or learn more of how you can help

Thank you so much! And God bless 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Great things!!

FEAR of Flying Conquered for P3M!

Today our good friend Jo who started a campaign for P3M to raise money conquered her fear of flying. She also raised over $1,000 for P3M from support from family and friends and in turn she said she would endure here biggest fear... flying in a small aircraft! The brave girl did it today! We are so proud of her!! Thank you Jo for you courage and your love for those stuck in prostitution!


P3M is also raising money by selling clothes! Please contact this page or the website if you would like to donate some clothes or whatever you can think of that you don't need or want anymore. It would go to a great cause.

Getting closer to the dream

3 woman have decided to leave their life as a prostitute and come live with P3M. Right now they are living in the small P3M office. We hope after all this support from so many wonderful people have been giving we will be able to get the house very soon. Already finding some in the neighbor and price that is needed. 

Woman #1 lets call her M - She is 62 years old and has been a prostitute since she was a teenager. She has breast cancer and just can't take the life anymore. Now she wants to change her life. She is selling petrol oil during the day and comes back to P3M office in the evening. We hope we can get her treatment for her cancer soon as well.

Woman #2 lets call her K - She is 16 years old and is pregnant. She was sold into prostitution by a friend and has stayed in it because of promises from a boyfriend. K is now tired and this life and wants to change her life and be a good mother for her baby. Way to go K!!

Woman # 3 Winda from the hospital - She is still in the hospital getting dialysis every 2 days. She is getting better. The swelling is going down and we hope she will be able to leave the hospital sometime in the future and come live with P3M

Great things are happening! Come be a apart of it! Thank you so much to those for all the support, donations and prayers. Every bit counts!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Winda Update & Raising support

She is not doing well. The government is no longer paying for medical treatment so they are moving her to another hospital in 12 days starting not as good but at least she can get treatment for her kidneys there if we can raise the money for it. The doctors said her kidneys are failing so she needs to be on dialysis 2 times a week.

Treatment cost: 800,000 RP for each treatment. She needs it twice a week.

We need your help! Her treatment cost money and P3M doesn't have it. Let us know if you would like to donate or help us find contacts to other organizations or companies that might be interested in helping her.

So far we have:

1. Jo has put a campaign together for raising money,

2. Also Rachel in Texas has a campaign raising money for P3M buy selling jewelry: 

3. Then anonymous donaters who give monthly

Thanks for Helping P3M out and keeping them and Winda in your prayers! And always a big thanks to Wulan and Wilda the woman who put all their time, effort and passion into P3M!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

HIV Testing & TB Study

 Free HIV Testing

March 11th P3M teamed up with a government organization in Medan that's Commission is tackling AIDS (KPA) and the Veteran's clinic providing information on sexually transmitted diseases, condoms as a means of HIV prevention as well as a free examination of HIV and venereal diseases.15 woman and 5 man attended and got checked for both. 

Wulan who is one of the P3M founders, lives with HIV. She shared her testimony giving the the girls support and encouragement as well as teaching them ways they can try and prevent themselves from contracting HIV.

They brought in a doctor & nurse who specialize in testing and treating HIV & STDs. They set up one room for HIV testing and the other for STD testing. Before anyone was tested they went through a short counseling session. 

It was great to team up with them and are hope is that everyone is healthy and will help themselves to stay that way.

TB Study

March 12th P3M & friends went to visit a hotel/brothel in Medan. They made a study guide for each of the women with information about Tuberculosis (TB), what is TB, symptoms, how can it be treated, where they can go for this treatment in Medan, medicine and so forth. P3M is trying to help them to become more aware of how to protect themselves as well as educate them on the many things they are in danger of contracting. 15 women attended, they were very interested to learn, they were interacting and asking a lot of questions. Over all it went very well.

Winda in the Hospital UPDATE:

The doctor called yesterday said her kidneys are failing. She needs start dialysis as soon as possible. We are still trying to find her better treatment. Dr. Koffee organization is trying to help with the bill where they can. We are so thankful for them and for JO putting them in contact with P3M. Keep praying for Winda she is not doing well and needs help.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Woman in Need Update

The swelling has gone down a little bit. The doctors discovered she has a heart condition, kidney problems, foot infection and possibly more. Her family and friends from the hotel still haven't visited her yet but P3M and P3M volunteers & friends have been coming to visit her through out the week bringing her gifts, food, stuff to do incase she is bored and most importantly letting her see that she is loved and not alone. Thank you so much to all of those that have come to visit and continue to come, it is such a blessing on P3M and her!

Also great news she qualified for government aid, so the government will pay for her bills for 2 more months! Everyone keep praying and contact us if you would like to come visit and let her know you love and care for her as well.

Whats else is going on with P3M:

P3M is still visiting the other hotels and passing out condoms & HIV information at night. Yesterday they were passing out condoms to 20 women and 110 high risk men (men that are seeking a prostitute)

Also during all of this P3M is getting ready for their next concert at the end of the month. Promoting P3M and empowering those in prostitution! KEEP checking the blog to find out when & where this will going down!

Friday, February 22, 2013

A woman in need

P3M went to visit some girls last night at a hotel. They found one girl who was extremely sick. She is only 31 years old and her body was swelled 3 times her size. She is a very tiny woman but last night her belly swelled to the point where she looked 6 months pregnant. She has been to a hospital before for the same reason but could not afford it so they sent her home. After a lot of encouragement from P3M & friends, she was rushed to the hospital. She is still at the hospital and the doctors are still doing tests to find out what the problem is.

We need your help, with any suggestions, donations, volunteers, prayers and love!

1. Raising money for hospital bill. It is likely she will be there for a couple months so any help you can give with raising funds would be very appreciated!

2. We need help with someone to stay with during the day. To get her food, medication, sponge baths. We are looking for volunteers but we can also pay someone if they need a job. Her family has refused to help her in anyway she has no one except P3M. If you would like to help her or know someone who would like to Please contact:
Wilda (Indonesian) - 62.818.0777.9147
Amber (English) - 812.6005.1106

Friday, February 15, 2013

Teaching & Sharing

Today P3M went to the hotel to teach the girl about HIV & Aids: How you can contract it as well as how to protect yourself. Many of them don't know how to use a condom so P3M had them practice and asked them to commit 100% to using condoms. Wulan as shared her incredible testimony about how she is living with HIV and how she too used to be a prostitute.

Friday, February 8, 2013

New Banner!

                     P3M just got a new banner to put in front of their office!! 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

AUSAID visit!

Today P3M had guests from AUSAID arrive , from Australia group and work in Jakarta. P3M was introduced to them by medan plus. 

The goal of AUSAID was represented by two people. They came to see the progression of the HIV programs carried out by our Transgender Group, who focus on sharing information & help about HIV predominately to gay men . AUSAID current goal in their program is to try and reduce harm and risk of HIV until 2015. They are focusing their research on the city of Medan people.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Outreach and JAPI

This Saturday P3M (7 people went out) went out into the streets passing out condoms and sharing information about HIV/Aids to all the sex workers (20+ women, 3 men). They also took surveys about the women like how or why they got into prostitution and what would they want to do if this was not their job. Many women said they would like to own a cafe, a salon, cooking and make a small business.

Questions for the girls:

1. Why are you in prostituion? (rape, forced, sold, divorce ect)

2. What are your hobbies? (cooking, salon, makeup, sewing, small business ect)

3. What is your purpose or what would you do if people were able to help you get out? (cooking, small business ect)

Some Stories from the night:

They met one young girl who had a baby 2 weeks ago. She is divorced and is working on the streets to provide for her baby.

Another girl was waiting for the highest bidder to sell her virginity to. She was doing this because her mother is very sick and needs money for medical bills. P3M was trying to councel her but her "pimp" got upset and ran them off. Next thing they knew she was gone.

Many girls responded to quiestion number 3 "I have no purpose"

Sunday P3M met with JAPI and other organizations from all over Indonesia, networking and encouraging each other to keep up the good work. Focusing on HIV, transgender, prostitution and drug users.

January 26 - 27

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Governors's Office Meeting

This week (Jan. 13, 3013) 

P3M was invited by a bevy of women to socialize about P3M, giving them basic information on HIV/AIDS and condoms for men and women as well as how to use them. 16 women attended the meeting Housed in the Governor's Office in Medan.