Saturday, August 17, 2013

Free Hair cuts anyone?

Free haircuts                       

P3M is starting a new service for the ladies at the hotels which is cutting their hair for free. Today P3M went to hotels in the Sambu area. This is something P3M wants to start doing for many of the girls in many different hotels. P3M's stylist today consisted of 3 people Wilda, the founder of P3M, Musa, on the P3M team and Jenny a volunteer for P3M. They did a great job and I am sure the woman walked away feeling beautiful and loved!

Volunteer opportunity: 
If you can cut hair and want to offer your services to these woman contact Wilda or this page! Show off your skills and bring happiness to these woman. Lets show them we care :)

Other News                        

P3M has given the woman in the picture money to help her start a small business selling breakfast from her house. She is 29 years old, has 5 children and one more on the way. Her husband became very ill when she was 3 months pregnant. Due to him being sick and unable to work she began prostituting herself in order to provide for her family.  She is 8 months pregnant now and P3M is trying to help her stay out of prostitution through this business at her house.

If this story has touched you please donate to her cause and help her stay out of prostitution so she might care for her family and herself. 

Thank you to all who are helping and praying!

Want to Volunteer or Donate please contact                       

This page or...

Wilda R.Wakkary
Koordinator Perempuan Peduli Pedila Medan ( P3M )

Wilda Hp: 081807779147 / 082161736449
Alamat: Sekretariat Jln. Sei Siguti No.30
Kel Sei Sikambing D, Kec Medan Petisah 
Kode Pos 20119
Telp : 061-4569647
email : p3m_21

Love you guys!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Gardening with P3M


Yesterday Wilda (P3M founder) and women from the hotels bought and planted flowers in the P3M house. 

Now the P3M house looks even more welcoming and beautiful!

 Other news                             

Another woman has come out of prostitution due to her being 8 months pregnant. P3M is helping her with going to the doctor, bills and helping her with money to start a small business outside her house selling breakfast. 

Please pray that business goes well and of course that her and her baby are healthy.

Thank you to all who have donated it is going to many great things! 

    We love you guys!    

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Open House & breaking fast Celebration

P3M had an open meeting (July 30th)  with female sex workers at the P3M house for the first time. Many women came to celebrate. Out of 20 woman that confirmed to join 18 came, all coming from 6 different hotels. It was a great turn out. 

Wilda led the meeting along with the P3M staff and other volunteers.

The meeting included:

1. Introduction of who P3M is and why they are doing what they are doing.

2. Getting to know eachother games. This was lots of fun. Everyone go to get up move around sing, laugh and be silly with each other.

3. Sharing about P3M shelters including Wildas home/P3M office and the P3M Home base care.

4. Sharing testimonies of other female sex workers who have robbed and bought by male sex buyers and dicussing the dangerous and warnings. Also about how they can come to P3M for protection from abuse and other.

5. The woman filled out a questionarre asking about there lives and such.

6. More games :)

7. As the sun went down we were allowed to begin breaking the fast. Enjoying the yummy food provided by P3M.

All in all it was a great meeting. Everyone went leaving with a smile on their face and knowing there is hope outside the life of prostitution.

Pray for these woman.

Basa & janni at the P3M house:

They are doing great! Twice a week they have private english classes together. P3M is looking for a sewing school for Basa. As for janni, her mother is waiting to see if she should put her in school in Medan or back near her village not knowing how long they will stay. 

If you would like to donate to the P3M cause or P3M house please contact this blog or the information below

Thank you for all your prayers and help to support such a noble cause :) 


Wilda R.Wakkary
Koordinator Perempuan Peduli Pedila Medan ( P3M )

Wilda Hp: 081807779147 / 082161736449
Alamat: Sekretariat Jln. Sei Siguti No.30
Kel Sei Sikambing D, Kec Medan Petisah 
Kode Pos 20119
Telp : 061-4569647
email : p3m_21