Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Winda Update & Raising support

She is not doing well. The government is no longer paying for medical treatment so they are moving her to another hospital in 12 days starting not as good but at least she can get treatment for her kidneys there if we can raise the money for it. The doctors said her kidneys are failing so she needs to be on dialysis 2 times a week.

Treatment cost: 800,000 RP for each treatment. She needs it twice a week.

We need your help! Her treatment cost money and P3M doesn't have it. Let us know if you would like to donate or help us find contacts to other organizations or companies that might be interested in helping her.

So far we have:

1. Jo has put a campaign together for raising money,

2. Also Rachel in Texas has a campaign raising money for P3M buy selling jewelry: 

3. Then anonymous donaters who give monthly

Thanks for Helping P3M out and keeping them and Winda in your prayers! And always a big thanks to Wulan and Wilda the woman who put all their time, effort and passion into P3M!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

HIV Testing & TB Study

 Free HIV Testing

March 11th P3M teamed up with a government organization in Medan that's Commission is tackling AIDS (KPA) and the Veteran's clinic providing information on sexually transmitted diseases, condoms as a means of HIV prevention as well as a free examination of HIV and venereal diseases.15 woman and 5 man attended and got checked for both. 

Wulan who is one of the P3M founders, lives with HIV. She shared her testimony giving the the girls support and encouragement as well as teaching them ways they can try and prevent themselves from contracting HIV.

They brought in a doctor & nurse who specialize in testing and treating HIV & STDs. They set up one room for HIV testing and the other for STD testing. Before anyone was tested they went through a short counseling session. 

It was great to team up with them and are hope is that everyone is healthy and will help themselves to stay that way.

TB Study

March 12th P3M & friends went to visit a hotel/brothel in Medan. They made a study guide for each of the women with information about Tuberculosis (TB), what is TB, symptoms, how can it be treated, where they can go for this treatment in Medan, medicine and so forth. P3M is trying to help them to become more aware of how to protect themselves as well as educate them on the many things they are in danger of contracting. 15 women attended, they were very interested to learn, they were interacting and asking a lot of questions. Over all it went very well.

Winda in the Hospital UPDATE:

The doctor called yesterday said her kidneys are failing. She needs start dialysis as soon as possible. We are still trying to find her better treatment. Dr. Koffee organization is trying to help with the bill where they can. We are so thankful for them and for JO putting them in contact with P3M. Keep praying for Winda she is not doing well and needs help.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Woman in Need Update

The swelling has gone down a little bit. The doctors discovered she has a heart condition, kidney problems, foot infection and possibly more. Her family and friends from the hotel still haven't visited her yet but P3M and P3M volunteers & friends have been coming to visit her through out the week bringing her gifts, food, stuff to do incase she is bored and most importantly letting her see that she is loved and not alone. Thank you so much to all of those that have come to visit and continue to come, it is such a blessing on P3M and her!

Also great news she qualified for government aid, so the government will pay for her bills for 2 more months! Everyone keep praying and contact us if you would like to come visit and let her know you love and care for her as well.

Whats else is going on with P3M:

P3M is still visiting the other hotels and passing out condoms & HIV information at night. Yesterday they were passing out condoms to 20 women and 110 high risk men (men that are seeking a prostitute)

Also during all of this P3M is getting ready for their next concert at the end of the month. Promoting P3M and empowering those in prostitution! KEEP checking the blog to find out when & where this will going down!